A look at keeping a creative agency on retainer.
At FreshBrain, a cornerstone of our philosophy is good communication. As a result, we have an uncanny ability to work with a wide range of enterprises. Our capacity to tailor our services to a variety of scopes and budgets, is one reason most of our clients retain our services after an initial project. Whether they have a requirement once a month, or once a year, clients repeatedly choose FreshBrain, because FreshBrain delivers results repeatedly.
While we are happy to help with individual projects, our greatest successes lie with the clients that choose to engage us a bit more systematically. Though most frequently associated with legal services, pay-for-work retainers are fairly common in other industries, and may be more cost-effective than one thinks. Not a permanent contract, a retainer is simply an agreement to provide services on an ongoing basis, at a fixed price.
The benefits of such an arrangement can be transformative for a business.

A long-term strategy is a decidedly superior approach to making forward progress. Whether it’s the advantage that comes from an increased familiarity with a client’s brand, or the improved planning and implementation of one’s marketing efforts, the outcome is predictable.
With a solid commitment to consistent marketing efforts, the path to getting ahead becomes straightforward. Not only does the quality of marketing become more congruent, the task of organizing and executing initiatives is made more efficient. As the relationship between client and agency grows, so too does the insight into what works well, and what happens next.
The idea of paying for marketing services in advance may give one pause, but this serves mostly to guarantee both that the agency will make itself available for any projects that arise, and that the cost for the work will be anticipated and affordable. It’s the very nature of this stability that creates extended value for the client.
Regardless of one’s business needs, FreshBrain has the expertise to provide quality solutions in any given situation. And should the decision be taken to move to a retainer agreement, this agency has the tools to hit the ground running.
Original Illustrations by FreshBrain Creative Agency